ISO 21894-2020 pdf download.Air cargo – Cargo stopper devices一 Design and testing. 5.1.2 The test shall consist of applying steps 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the load test defined for restraint straps in ISO 16049-1:2020, 5.5 between both ends of any of the assembled tension straps. Testing is deemed successful if rupture occurred at a load higher than the rated ultimate load (UL), and any damage observed under the ultimate load did not exceed the allowances. 5.2 Puncture test 5.2.1 The filling tarpaulin material shall be tested for puncture resistance. Five wetted specimens shall be tested using the apparatus, plunger and methodology of ISO 12236, at a pushing rate of(50 ± 10) mm! mm L(2 ± 3/8) inch/mm]. 5.2.2 The mean push-through force in kN (lbf) measured at full puncture through the material shall be recorded. 5.3 Flammability test 5.3.1 It is presupposed that the webbing and gap-filling material in their production condition, after any treatment, are both tested for flammability performance in accordance with 14 CFR Part 25/CS-25 Appendix F, Part I, paragraph (a)(1)(v). See 41 for minimum performance requirements. 5.3.2 The flammability test shall be performed on a minimum of three each webbing or gap-filling material specimens, and the results averaged. The results shall be recorded in the test report to be provided to the purchaser at or before time of delivery of each production batch. 5.4 Other tests 5.4.1 Due to the limited overall length of the device, no elongation test is required. 5.4.2 Due to the absence of tensioning devices or other moving parts, no cycling test is required. 5.5 Test report 5.5.1 A test report including the results of the tests in Jand 52 shall be provided to the purchaser by the manufacturer. 5.5.2 The test report shall include, or be accompanied by. a certificate of conformity with the requirements of the present document and a Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) or Component Maintenance Sheet (CMS) indicating any limitations applicable in the event of damage. 5.5.3 In the event of the tests being performed or duplicated by the purchaser or a third party, the same report filing requirements apply. 6 Markings 6.1 Each cargo stopper unit shall bear a permanently affixed label, indicating at least: — if applicable (Authority approval), TSO marking: HTSOC202 (or CTSO”, “ETSO, ‘JTSO’, as appropriate); — ISO 21894”; — manufacturer’s identification, part number, and serial number if applicable; — weight to...

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