ISO 23066-2021 pdf download.Vocabul ary related to rattan materials and products. oil-cured cane rattan cane (IL3) which has been immersed in hot oil media for a specific amount of time to impart desired surface colour or appearance and prevent biological degradation fumigated cane rattan cane (i1) which has been exposed to suitable chemical fumes for preservation or improved surface appearance bleached cane rattan cane (1L3) which has been lightened In colour by bleaching agents to improve surface brightness 3.3.3 rattan derivatives group of flexible slender materials, namely, peels (3.3.3,1) and cores produced by peeling or splitting the cane longitudinally cane peel material with skin intact obtained from the peripheral portion of the cane cane core core in a cylindrical form half round core core with a flat surface on one side and a half circle on the other flat core core with a flat surface on both sides flat oval core core with a flat surface on one side and a convex on the other oval oval core core with a convex on both sides hollow oval core core with a concave on one side and a convex on the other spline-wedge core core having wedge-like surface 3.3.4 cane webbing woven rattan core or peel ( mesh, usually in the form of sheet rolls.ISO 23066 pdf download.

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