BS EN ISO 780-2015 pdf download.Packaging一Distribution packaging一Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages. 3.4 Size ol graphical symbols For normal purposes the overall height aithe graphical symbols shall be 100mm. 150mm or 200mm Depending on the size or shape of the package; however, the size of the graphical symbols may be larger or smaller provided that the vlslbihty ci the graphical symbols Is retained. Different horizontal/vertical ratio may be applied to enhance the visibility ci the graphical symbols provided that the original meaning is retained. 3.5 Number of graphical symbols For graphical symbols No. 1,2, 3, 8. and 13, how many graphical symbols shall be placed for a packe is specified in CLause 4. A package shall have a minimum number of types of graphical symbols as needed. 3.6 Position of graphical symbols For graphical symbols No. 1.2.3,5, 7,8. 10 and 13. at which position graphical symbols shall hr pLaced on a package is specified in Clause 4- 4 MeanIng and requirements of the graphical symbols 4.1 General Meaning and requirements for each symbol shall be indicated on disribution packages by using the corresponding graphical symbols given In Tks ito 1. For graphical symbols No.4.5,6.7.9. 15. 16 and 17, the prohibition symbol may he hand written, For graphical symbols No, 15 .tncl 16, the number “n” may be corrected by hand. NOTE bestributson packages wiU dete:iurae a!. lime passes and sianelimes cannot withstand mwmal hoindli.g beIisr they reach the final destination Im such case, accnrdimg lathe provisions or the distribution contract, we need to decide whether to stop chapping and storing them or to continue to use them by putting proper graphical symbols am them In any case, handwritten symbols are partially accepted in this standard so thai the proper symtsuh can be idded to do the needful on the spot. 4.2 Graphical symbols used for large-sized packages See tabk L. 4.3 GraphIcal symbols used for middle and small-sized packages — For all types o( handling- See TabIt2. — For manual handling. See TabLe 3. — For mechanical handling; See Iahle4. 4.4 GraphIcal symbols used for both transport and storage Sec TableS.BS EN ISO 780 pdf download.

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