BS EN ISO 2247-2002 pdf download.Packaging一 Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads- Vibration tests at fixed low frequency. 7.2 Method A 7.2.1 Operate the vibration table to give an acceleration at a selected level between 0,5 g and 1.0 g with the test specimen not separating from the table. 7.2.2 Perform the test at a peak to peak displacement selected from Figure A.1 of annex A, at a fixed frequency within the appropriate frequency range, to produce a test acceleration between 0,5 g and 1.0 g. 7.3 Method B 7.3.1 Operate the vibration table to give an acceleration at a selected level such that the test specimen separates from the table causing repetitive shocks. 7.3.2 Select the desired vibration amplitude, start vibration of the test specimen at a frequency of 2 Hz and slowly increase it until the test specimen repeatedly separates from the vibration table. NOTE 1 Separation of the test specimen from the vibration table may be determined by inserting a 1,5 mm to 3,0 mm thick spacer. with a minimum width of 50 mm, under at least 1/3 of the base area of the test specimen, This may be done by moving the spacer along the base of the test specimen during the test. NOTE 2 The results of the test may be influenced by the thickness of the spacer. 8 Test report The test report shall include: a) a reference to this International Standard; b) the name and address of the testing laboratory and the name and address of the customer; c) the unique identification of the report; d) the date of receipt of the test specimens and the date(s) of performance of the test; e) the name, title and signature of persons accepting test responsibility for the test report; f) a statement to the effect that the test results relate only to the specimens tested; g) a statement that the report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the testing laboratory; h) the number of replicate test specimens tested; i) a full description, including dimensions, structural and material specifications of the test specimen and its fittings, cushioning, blocking, closure and reinforcing arrangements, gross mass of the test specimen and mass of the contents in kilograms; j) a description of the contents and if simulated or substituted contents were used, full details shall be given: k) the relative humidity, the...

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