BS EN ISO 2307-2010 pdf download.Fibre ropes – Determination of certain physical and mechanical properties (ISO 2307:2010). 9.5 Bedding-in of the test piece Before testing to the breaking point, subject the sample three times to a cyclic load between the reference tension and 50 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope. The test speed is (250 ± 50) mm)min, unless otherwise specified in a specific rope standard. 9.6 Measurement of the elongation of the rope Increase the tension again by moving the moving element of the testing machine. The test shall be carried out at a speed of (250 ± 50) mm/mm, unless otherwise specified in a specific rope standard. When the tensile force reaches 50 % of the minimum breaking force, measure the distance between the w marks (the stoppage necessary for measurement shall be as brief as possible). Designate this distance as 13, the gauge length, expressed in millimetres, for a tensile force equal to 50 % of the specified minimum breaking force. By previous agreement between the purchaser and supplier, a force-elongation curve, recorded during the tensile tests up to 50 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope, may be supplied. It may be requested that the elongation be determined on a particular test piece. In this case, the procedure given in Annex C shall be followed to obtain the force-elongation coordinates. 9.7 Measurement of the breaking force 9.7.1 Continue to increase the tension, at the same speed, until a strand breaks. Record the breaking force and the place on the test piece where the break occurs. 9.7.2 If an unspliced breaking force is specified, the specimen shall be deemed to meet the requirement if the break occurs: a) within the -r marks and at a force equal to or higher than the specified value, or b) outside the ‘r” marks and at a force equal to or higher than 90 % of the specified value. In the latter case, it should not be assumed that the true breaking force of the specimen would be represented by multiplying the result by 1019. 9.7.3 If a spliced minimum breaking force is specified, the specimen shall be deemed to meet the requirement if it breaks at a force equal to or higher than the value for ropes with eye-spliced terminations, as indicated in the relevant standard.BS EN ISO 2307 pdf download.

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