BS EN ISO 4920-2012 pdf download.Textile fabrics – Determination of resistance to surface wetting (spray test). 5.2 Metal spray nozzle-’, havsg a convex face with 19 hofes of (0.86 ± 005) mm diameter (see Figsxe 2). The holes are di*ibuted over the face of the nozzle The duration of flow for the sp.cdid voàjnw 01(250*2) ml of water poured Vito the funnel shall be between 25 sand 30*. 5.3 SpecImen holder, conasting of two wood or me( rings. which te into each other, one of inside dianeter (155±5) awn arid another of outaede dIameter (155 * 5) mm (for example an enittroldery hoop). Into whech the IPSOfl4fl Can be secured (see FIgure 1) The rWwJs should, when in position for a lest rest on a siateole support so that It mc5ned at an angle of 45’ with the centre of the test area (150*2) rIwn below the oentre of the face at the spray nozzle. 5.4 Waler, diaMed or fuI deionized, at (20*2) ‘C or (27 *2) ‘C. or otter temperatures a. agreed between interested parties The ternpetakres used shea be stated in the test report (tO c)J 5.5 Graduated cylinder 250 ml. den B 6 Conditioning and testing atmospheres Conditioning and testing shall be camed out according to ISO 139. If so agreed, caidiborwig and testing may be camed out In tie ambient moepliere 7 Test specimens Take at least three test specimens, each at least 180mm square, from different places In the fabric so that they represent the material as fully as possible and can be secured by the specimen holder (53) Do not take test specimens from places with creases or fold marls 8 Procedure 8.1 Condition the test speclmern tot at least 4 hen tie atniospliere defined en Clause 6. 8.2 After condelorsng. mount the lest specimen securely on the specenen holder (53) wIth the face of tee fabnc uppermost on the hoop support. Place the holder on the sIport specified In 5.3 Unless otherwise staled m the inaterte speofication, the specimen shall be orientated so that the warp. or length. diwcleon is parallel to the flow 01 waler down the specimen 8.3 Pour (250±2) ml of waler (5.4) flte the tunnel see 51) quIckly. but steady so that If spraying shall be conbnuous once C has corrwnereced, The duration of flow shot be between 25s and 30$ 1.4 Imnediataty Mer the aray hal ceased.

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