BS EN ISO 9453-2014 pdf download.Soft solder alloys – Chemical compositions and forms (ISO 9453:2014). WARhING — National or regiomal regulations may limit the employment olcertaln alloys. This International Standard spccilwc the requirements tar chemical compositai:ia far suit solder alloys containing two or more of tin. lead, antimony copper, silver. bismuth, zinc. indium and/ar cadmium. An indication of the forms generally avaiLable Is also Induded. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or In part. arc normatively referenced In this document and are indispensable for Its application. For dated referencra, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the Latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendnwnLs) applies. ISO 3677. Filler metal for soft snklerrng. brazing and froze welding — Designation 3 Terms and defInItIons Fur the purposes of this document, the following terms and dctinitions apply 3.1 soft solder metallic tiller material which is used to jam metallic parts and which has a melting temperature (liquidus) lower than that of the parts to be jained and, usually, lower than 450 ‘C and which wets the parent inetlt 3.2 batch coflection of one or more units of product, made in a single production operation 4 Chemical composition The chemical composition of th soil colder, sampled and analtsed in accordance with Uause b, shall he as given for the appropriate material in TabkJ or T.ate2. 5 Forms of delivery 5.1 Generid Suit solders conformIng to this International Standard shU be supplied in one of the following fm-ins: ingot, slab, stick bar, rod, wire, pellets. prelorms, rings, spheres. nbbons, powder or suldenng pastes, Solder shall be uniform in quality and free from detrimental conditions such as contamination or surbce oxide that prevent melting and flow In a manner suitable for the intended application holE I Solders wpplied in the tm-rn of rod, wire, or prelorinc can be tupplied with or without an integral lius. sublect to agreement between the sapplwr and the purchaser NOTE 2 Not aU itw solder compositions given in the L,ahlr-m are mesesi.arily available in all the product kwnss listed.BS EN ISO 9453 pdf download.

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