BS ISO 6280-2018 pdf download.Plain bearings一Requirements and guidance on backings for thick-walled multilayer bearings. This document gives requirements and guidance to obtain the optimum bond between backAng and bearhig metal for thick-walled multilayer plain bearings. This optimum baud depends on the chemical compoettion. the state of stress, the structural arrangement and the iniichining of the bond surfnc. of the backings. NOTE Control of the Pnauielacturing process ii an important requirement to achieve an optimum bond between backing material and bearing metal 2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document. 3 Terms and definitions No terms and definitions are listed in this documenL ISO and IF.C maintain tenninological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at hLtps:/Iwwsiauiuig/ubp — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.elcczropediaorej 4 Backing materials 4.1 General Steel and cast sled, cast iron with lamdLmr and phrroidal graphite as well as cast copper alloys are used as backing mateflals. For cast iron backing. additional dovetasled grooves may be used on bond stir-lace for mechanical anchoring, 4.2 Steel and cast steel Before lining, the backing is heat-treated for normalizing and stresses relieving. Typical contents of elements for bonding: — C < 0,25% (mass fraction); — Cr s 1,1% (mass fraction); — Ni 0.5% (mass traction); — MnS 1,3%(mass traction). The hydrogen Contents of a backing having a thickness oF 40 mm or more shall be not nicer than 1,7 ppm. A property-controlled process shall be used to reduce the hydrogen content to a level that ensures trouble-free running of the bearing dunng its initial period operation.BS ISO 6280 pdf download.

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