ISO 37160-2020 pdf download.Smart community infrastructure 一 Electric power infrastructure一 Measurement methods for the quality of thermal power infrastructure and requirements for plant operations and management. 5.4 Analysis The power plant operator shall, as applicable: a) comprehensively analyse the measured results of the evaluation indicators in 42 and identify problems by benchmarking the results against other plants. When benchmarking, consideration shall be given to the following: 1) ensuring security of the data; 2) ensuring the data are of adequate quality; 3) managing the data responsibly. b) appoint personnel with the required skills for data analysis and assign the work appropriately; c) determine the appropriate format of the data for analysis. 5.5 Response to risks and opportunities In order to maintain and further improve QTPI, it is necessary to continuously identify risks, minimize the adverse effects, resolve consequential issues and promote opportunities to improve QTPI. Risks include both internal risks and external risks. The power plant operator shall implement, maintain and improve processes to mitigate risks, including: a) determining internal and external risks to the thermal power infrastructure based on the results of analysis in a timely manner, establishing a plan for dealing with them in advance and periodically carrying out drills, simulations or other exercises to prepare for an incident; 1) internal risks can include: i) equipment failures, electric and machinery breakdown (forced outages, output power limitation); ii) deviation from controlled values; iii) human error; iv) fire and explosions in the plant; v) accidents causing injury and ill-health. 2) external risks can include: i) power grid failure; ii) terrorism, war, strikes, riots and civil commotions; iii) cyberattack, including cyber physical attack, and physical attack on the plant; iv) fuel procurement and water availability; v) natural disasters (e.g. earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, flood, forest fire). b) Investigating the cause of incidents, taking actions to prevent reoccurrence considering the degree of importance and establishing a scheme for evaluating the adequacy of preventive actions; c) developing a preventive and predictive maintenance program in order to minimize forced outages;ISO 37160 pdf download.

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