ISO/TR 4286-2021 pdf download.Intelligent transport systems一Use cases for sharing of probe data. 4.3.9 Challenges There are several challenges which need to be analysed and solved when deploying probe data sharing among multiple service provider entities: — It is important to define the rules regarding data storage to respect data privacy. — The entity in charge of maintaining and processing the collected probe vehicle data and its liability need to be defined. — The governance rules for such an entity need to be defined. — Decision-making on the policy needs to be done, whether it is a centralized entity framework or a cloud framework that can be completed through multiple decentralized entities. 5 Definition of service domains utilizing shared probe data 5.1 General Sharing of probe vehicle data among current service providers and additional service providers can support the implementation of new service applications needed for smart city services. For example, data sharing could eventually be implemented to satisfy infrastructure assessment needs and to improve safety within cities. Possible service applications can include: — critical safety information provision, — safety driving support, — infrastructure planning, — dynamic traffic management, — traffic rule enforcement, — dynamic map updates, and — emergency evacuation support. Where applicable, probe data sharing definitions already defined by the local authority can be utilized. For deployment, further research or development of data sharing is recommended. 5.2 Referenced target use cases 5.2.1 General ITS service applications largely rely upon the big data collected through the applications and services of a smart city that are held and maintained by a smart city data management entity. Those ITS services can be grouped into two categories: the services provided by jurisdiction or the road operator; and the services by the public and private service providers. The applications offered and managed by the jurisdiction or the road operator can be classified in four groups as infrastructure operation management, “traffic management, “road traffic operation management’ and “enforcement”. The applications provided by the service providers can be offered through public or private sectors. The classification of an ITS service and applications can be shown in Figure 4.ISO TR 4286 pdf download.

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