ISO TS 5660-5-2020 pdf download.Reaction-to-fire tests一Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate – Part 5: Heat release rate [cone calorimeter method) and smoke production rate (dynamic measurement) under reduced oxygen atmospheres. 6.1 General The shaped radiant heater described in ISO 5660.1:2015.6.1 shall be integrated into the top face of an enclosure described in in (ui. The cabinet shall also indude the radiation shield (1505660-1:2015, 6.3), the weighing device (ISO 5660-1:2015,6.4) with an additional cooling shield as described in 6.3, the specimen holder (ISO 5660-1:2015, 6.5). and the ignition circuit (ISO 5660-1:2015. 6.9). The heat flux meter and housing (ISO 566O1:201S. 6.12) and the calibration burner (ISO 5660•1:2015, 6.13) shall be provIded .is well, Appropriate mountings shall be available to perform calibration Ineasulelnents using the heat flux meter and calibration inside the e dosurs. A gas mixing and supply system shall be connected to the enclosure to allow adjusting the atmospheflc conditions. 6.2 Heater and enclosure and chimney arrangement with cone calorimeter as per ISO S660.1 The test enclosure described in 6.3 replaces the standard cone heater assembly in the ISO 5660.1 apparatus. It shall be centred underneath the exhaust hood and can be used in each of the following configurations using a chimney on top of the enclosure as descnbed in 6.5. 1) When testing with an enclosure gas supply rate lower than the exhaust flow rate the enclosure and chimney should not be linked directly to the exhaust hood. Air from the surroundings shall be allowed to enter the exhaust hood. NOTE I Thu effect of the chimney in the unlinked ccsirlguraekm on various renlts are discussed in Reference 121 NOTE 2 An exhaust flow Idle that exceeds ib. rnclosur# supy r41r would cause udrr pressure. leakages. and ps*entially uncontrolled conditions Is the enclosure. 2) When undertaking anaerobic pyrolysis experiments these can be carrwd ou in either unlinked or linked apparatus depending on the applicable gas supply rate or It the enclosure is staiid•alone without the oxygen depletion measurement equipment runiiing Annes C specifies more details about the stand-alone arrangement. Regardless of the configuration or the enclosure Inlet gas low rate, the exhaust flow rate in the duct shall be suffinently high to reliably entrain all rombustion/pyrolysis products released during the process. The minimum exhaust flow rate at the beginning of the test shall he at least 0,012* 0.002 m3/s. 62.1 Enclosure A stainless steel enchisure shall...

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