ISO/TS 10986-2021 pdf download.Plastics piping systems一Glass- reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes一System design of above ground pipe and joint installations without end thrust. 4.4.5 Adjustl.g joints The joint should be adjusted ii any of the chctks described In thr preedlng clauses fall outside the spent Led limits. The necrssary ad)ustnwnt.s of coupling or pipe position should be made carerully. avoiding Luncanirated loads or Impact loads that can damage the pipe or the coupling. S lns(alIaLon of above ground pipes 5.1 General The designer of an above ground pipe installation should be aware of the forces that act on the pipe system, particularly where high system pressures exist. When a component in a pressurized pipeline has a change in cross-sectional area oi’ alignment direction, a resultant force is Induced. All components such as bends, reducers, tees. wyes or valves shall be anchored or restrained to withstand these loads. This Is the case for above ground as well as boned pipes. In buried pipeline’s, adequate resistance to movements at joints in undeflected installations is generally provided by the pipe embedment. Such resistance shall be provided at the supports of an above ground 6 iSO2O2l -All noes reseiwd ISO/TS 10986:2021(E) pipeline. Care shall be exercised to minimize misahgnments and all components shall be properly supported to ensure the stability of the pipeline. 5.2 SupportIng of pipes 5.2.1 General A range of joint designs are manufactured foe which a variety of support configurations are recommended. Generally, pipes are supported on either side or the loins, but some systems allow direct support under the joint. To minimize the loads induced in pipes and supports, the supports should not restrain longitudinal expansion of the pipes. However, it is essential that the pipe movements be guided and controlled In such a way that all pipe sections are stbIe and that acceptable longitudinal movement of the pipe in the couplings is not excerdcd As non-restrained couplings are Ilexible, it Is very important for the stability of every pipe component to be ensured by the supports. Each pipe should therefore be supported by at least two cradks and anchored by a pipe anchor at one of these cradles, while the remaining cradles should be designed as guides. allowing longitudinal expansion or the pipe but restraining lateral movements. With direct support under the joints, the coupling clamp can act as anchor see Figure 6 (1) and Figure B. For pipes supporied...

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