ISO 10360-7-2011 pdf free download.Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) — Part 7: CMMs equipped with imaging probing systems.
5 Environmental and metrological requirements
5.1 Environmental conditions
Limits for permissible environmental conditions, such as temperature conditions, air humidity, vibration and ambient lighting at the site of installation, that influence the measurements shall be specified by:
⎯ the manufacturer, in the case of acceptance tests;
⎯ the user, in the case of reverification tests.
In both cases, the user is free to choose the environmental conditions under which the ISO 10360-7 testing will be performed within the specified limits (as supplied in the data sheet of the manufacturer).
The user is responsible for providing the environment enclosing the CMM, as specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet.
If the environment does not meet the specifications, then verification of the maximum permissible errors and limits cannot be required.
5.2 Operating conditions
The CMM shall be operated using the procedures given in the manufacturer’s operating manual when conducting the tests given in Clause 6.
Specific areas in the manufacturer’s manual to be adhered to are, for example:
a) machine start-up/warm-up cycles,
b) cleaning procedures,
c) probing system qualification,
d) thermal stability of the probing system before calibration,
e) probing approach direction,
f) ambient illumination,
g) illumination system,
h) location, type, number of thermal sensors,
i) imaging probe set-up and magnification,
j) image processing filters and algorithms.
5.3 Requirements for various configuration imaging probe CMMs
5.3.1 General
This part of ISO 10360 recognizes the various configurations of imaging probe CMMs and allows manufacturer’s specifications and the required testing procedure some amount of flexibility for that reason.
5.3.2 Length measurement errors Some imaging probe CMMs are designed and intended for three-dimensional measurements while some are not capable of making three-dimensional measurements. In order to allow some flexibility in specifications, but still ensure all necessary requirements for metrological characteristics are met, variations of specifications using the defined MPEs are allowed.ISO 10360-7 pdf download.