ISO 1302-2002 pdf free download.Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation.
6.3.3Motif parameters (Iso 12085)
See F.3. If the evaluation length differs from the default number of 16 mm, it shall be indicated between two obliquestrokes.
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NOTE Attention is drawn to the fact that the evaluation length concept in the case of motif parameters has a meaningdifferent from that of other surface texture parameters in that the sampling length concept does not exist.Consequently,indication of the number of sampling lengths in the parameter designation of motif parameters is not relevant.
6.3.4 Parameters based on material ratio curve (ISo 13565-2,ISO 13565-3)
See F.4. If the number of sampling lengths within the evaluation length differs from the default number of five(see clause 7 of lSO 13565-1:1996), it shall be indicated adjacent to the relevant parameter designation.
EXAMPLE Rk8,Rpk8,Rvk8,Rpq8,Rvq8,RmqB (if an evaluation length of eight sampling lengths is desired).
For the R-profile parameters based on the linear material ratio curve according to lSO 13565-2 andISO 12085- i.e. the parameters Rke,Rpke,Rvke,etc.- the indication of the evaluation length shall beaccording to 6.3.3.
– P-profile
See F.4. The sampling length for P parameters is equivalent to the evaluation length (see 3.1.9 ofISO 4287:1997) and the evaluation length is equal to the length of the feature being measured (see 4.4 ofISO 4287:1997).Consequently, the indication of the number of sampling lengths in the parameter designationof structure parameters is not relevant.
6.4Indication of tolerance limits
There are two different ways of indicating and interpreting the specification limits of surface texture:a) the “16 % rule”;
b) the ““max-rule”.
See 5.2 and 5.3 of lSO 4288:1996, respectively.
The “16 %-rule” is defined as the default rule for all indications of surface texture requirements. This means that the“16%-rule” applies to a surface texture requirement when a parameter designation as shown in Annex E is applied(see Figure 7). If the “max-rule” is to be applied to a surface texture requirement, “max””shall be added to theparameter designation (see Figure 8). The “max-rule” does not apply to motif parameters.ISO 1302 pdf download.