ISO 13385-2-2011 pdf free download.Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional measuring equipment — Part 2: Calliper depth gauges; Design and metrological characteristics.
4.3.4 Protection for field use
Manufacturers shall express clearly which type of water and dust protection is provided (IP code according toIEC 60529), and whether electromagnetic field protection is given or not.
4.4Measuring faces
Measuring faces shall consist of wear-resistant material of suitable surface finish.Measuring faces shall notbe sharp-edged.
5Metrological characteristics
Calliper depth gauges with a vernier scale have a fixed zero point.
Adjustable calliper depth gauges with a digital display shall be able to be set to zero in any position within themeasuring range; adjustable callipers with a circular scale shall be able to be set to zero within the range ofthe scale.
The metrological characteristics of this part of lSO 13385 apply when the measuring faces are pressedagainst a flat surface,e.g. a surface plate for zero setting.
NOTE Requirements for the flatness of the measuring faces are not given separately.
5.2Effect of slider locking
lf the slider is clamped (in the case of a slider equipped with a locking screw), the dimension which is set shallnot change and the indication shall fulfil the following conditions.
-Calliper depth gauges with analogue indication: the indication shall not change.
Calliper depth gauges with digital indication: the indicated value shall not change by more than the lastsignificant digit of the indication.
when the slider is locked, the digital display shall not change by more than one digital step.
5.3 Maximum permissible error of indication (limited by MPE)
The error-of-indication characteristics apply to any indications based on the zero setting stated in 5.1.Thesecharacteristics apply independently of the measuring range of the calliper depth gauges. The error ofindication shall not be greater than the maximum permissible error (MPE).
NOTE The limits of permissible error cannot be smaller than the digital step or the scale interval.5.3.2 Partial surface contact error, E (limited by EMPE)
This is the error of indication when the measurement is performed by using a part of the measuring face(partial measuring surface) at any position along the base and at any position within the measuring range.Foran example,see A.2.2.ISO 13385-2 pdf download.