ISO 13503-1-2011 pdf free download.Petroleum and natural gas industries — Completion fuids and materials — Part 1: Measurement of viscous properties of completion fuids.
5.2Requirements for proper shear-history simulationThe following procedures shall be followed:
a)record and report the test temperature;
b)ensure thorough mixing of all fluid-activating additive(s) immediately before the fluid enters theshear-history
5.3Conditions for sample deliveryThe following conditions shall be fulfilled:
a)continuous delivery of base fluid while additives are added and the cup is being filled;b)constant shear rate within the shear-history tubing;
)while fluid is being injected into the viscometer, the shear rate within the gap of the viscometer is a nominal100 s-1.
5.4Conditions for standard shear-history simulationThe following conditions shall be fulfilled:
a)for fluid temperatures less than or equal to 93 °C (200 °F), shear rate 675 s-1 for 2,5 min;b)for fluid temperatures greater than 93°C(200 °F), shear rate 1 350 s-1 for 5 min.
5.5Operational considerations
The following conditions shall be fulfilled:
a)the pulsation caused by certain types of positive displacement pumps shall be minimized;b)the base fluid shall be prepared, characterized and reported as described in Clause 5;
c)it is critical that a representative sample of the test fluid be injected into the viscometer; therefore, initially
divert the fluid exiting the shear-history simulator away from the viscometer until stabilized flow andcomposition are established;
d)unions, valves and similar fittings shall have internal diameters such that the shear rate of the fluid flowing
through them is essentially the same as within the tubing;
e) where the tubing is coiled, the diameter of the coil shall be larger than a critical value (see 8.5.2).
6 lnstrument calibration
The instruments associated with these procedures shall be calibrated according to each manufacturer’srecommended method.
7 Measurement procedures
The procedures given in 7.2 and 7.3 are organized according to the type of fluid on which the measurement iscarried out. Where data are reporled as being obtained using a particular procedure, the procedure given shallbe followed exactly. The fluid shall not react with instrument surfaces to generate contaminants, change criticalmeasurement dimensions, or impair proper mechanical operation.ISO 13503-1 pdf download.