ISO 13680-2020 pdf download.Petroleum and natural gas industries – Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubular products for use as casing, tubing, coupling stock and accessory material一Technical delivery conditions.
4 General
4.1 Dual normative references
In the interests of worldwide application of this document, certain normative references listed in Clause 2 are interchangeable in the context of the relevant requirement with the relevant document prepared by the American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These latter documents are cited in the running text following the ISO reference and preceded by orH, for example “ISO XXXX or API YYYY”.
Application of an alternative normative document cited in this manner can lead to technical results that differ from the use of the preceding ISO reference. However, both results are acceptable and these documents are, thus, considered interchangeable in practice.
4.2 Units of measurement
In this document, data are expressed in both the International System (SI) of units and the United States Customary (USC) or other system of units. For a specific order item, it is intended that only one system of units be used, without combining data expressed in the other system.
Products manufactured to specifications expressed in either of these unit systems shall be considered equivalent and totally interchangeable. Consequently, conformance to the requirements of this document as expressed in one system provides conformance to requirements expressed in the other system.
For data expressed in SI units, a comma is used as the decimal separator and a space as the thousands separator.
For data expressed in USC units, a dot (on the line) is used as the decimal separator and a space as the thousands separator.
In the text, data in SI units are followed by data in USC or other units in parentheses.
Separate tables for data expressed in SI units and USC units are given in Annex A and Annex C. respectively.
Figures are contained in Annex B and express data in both SI and USC units.
5 Information supplied by the purchaser
5.1 The purchaser shall state the minimum information as given in Table 1. as applicable, in the enquiry and purchase agreement.ISO 13680 pdf download.