ISO 14230-2-2013 pdf free download.Road vehicles — Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK- Line) — Part 2: Data link layer.
The client shall always be located in one external test equipment only.There shall be a strict, one to one,relation between client identifiers and source addresses. Each client identifier shall be encoded with oneSA value. If more than one client is implemented in the same external test equipment, then each clientshall have its own client identifier and corresponding SA value.
A server may be implemented in one ECU only or be distributed and implemented in several ECUs. Ifa server is implemented in one ECU only, then it shall be encoded with one SA value only. If a server isdistributed and implemented in several ECUs, then the server identifier shall be encoded with one SAvalue for each physical location of the server.
7.5.2 TA,Target Address
Type: 1 byte unsigned integer valueRange: Ox00 – OxFF
The parameter TA shall be used to encode client and server identifiers.
For the transmission of data from the client to the server, TA represents the server identifier in theservice request,service indication, and service confirmation.
For the transmission of data from the server to the client, TA represents the client identifier in theservice request,service indication, and service confirmation.
TA may be a physical or a functional address. Physical addresses may be the 5-baud address byte (seeIso 9141:1989,Annex A and Annex B).
For emissions-related messages, this byte is defined in lSO 14230- TAtype, target address type
Type: enumeration
Range: physical, functionalDescription:
The parameterTAtype is an extension to the TA parameter. It shall be used to encode the communicationmodel used by the communicating peer entities of the data link layer. Tiwo communication models arespecified: 1-to-1 communication called physical addressing and 1-to-n communication called functionaladdressing.(For the format of the format byte in the DoK-Line_PDU to handle the two addressing types,see 9.2.1.)
7.5.4< Length >Type: 1 byteRange: ox00 – OxFFDescription:
This parameter includes the length of data to be transmitted/received.ISO 14230-2 pdf download.