ISO 14617-10-2002 pdf download.Graphical symbols for diagrams — Part 10: Fluid power converters.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 14617, the following terms and definitions apply. NOTE The list has been restricted to terms whose meaning is not obvious and which have not been defined elsewhere in an International Standard, or which have been defined in various ways in different standards. In preparing these definitions, ISO and IEC standards on terminology have been consulted; see the references in parentheses. However, most of the definitions in those standards were prepared by different technical committees within a restricted scope. This means that many terms so defined have to be given more general or neutral definitions when applied in the context of graphical symbols.
3.1 (positive) displacement pump
pump in which the fluid energy is increased in a working chamber that increases and decreases in volume [ISO 5598]
3.2 rotodynamic pump
pump in which the fluid energy is increased by a rotating impeller [ISO 5598]
NOTE The term “centrifugal pump” is sometimes used instead, but that term corresponds to a rotodynamic pump with radial liquid flow .
3.3 capacity
swept volume volume absorbed or displaced per stroke or cycle [ISO 5598]
3.4 over-centre pump
pump in which the direction of flow may be reversed without changing the direction of rotation of the drive shaft [ISO 5598]
3.5 uni-flow pump
pump in which the direction of flow is independent of the direction of rotation of the drive shaft [ISO 5598]
4 Devices for conversion of mechanical energy to fluid energy or vice versa.ISO 14617-10 pdf download.