ISO 14617-9-2002 pdf free download.Graphical symbols for diagrams – Part 9: Pumps, compressors and fans.
3.1 (po&t,ve) dispiacetnent pump
pump m the thud enetgy Is mcreased en a wodwig cliwnber that wicreases and decreases m volume
PSO 5598]
3.2 rolodynamic pump
pump en oluaI the thud energy Is encreased by a rotateng enpeller
(ISO 5598)
NOTE The helfl cetatre pt,np a eoawtrle5 uead Vtead, but th Jim correapan to a totodynetnlc pimp eth rad ltuld flow
3.3 turbo-molecular pump
ratodynamic vacuum pump In which the rotor a provided with deace provided with ots 01 blades rotating between corresporideng discs in tie stalor
(ISO 3529-2)
3.4 capacity
swept volume volum. absorbed 01 dieplacad p.r siroha or cyci.
(ISO 5598)
3.5 over-cane, pump
pump., a*idi the diection of flow may be reversed without chang.g the diedion of rutatidn of the drive shaft (ISO 5598J
3.6 un-flow pump
pump m whãdl the dredion of flow is independent of the direction of rotaticn of the delve shaft P80 5598)
3.7 nlralnrn.nt pump
vacuum pump In wluich a monlentusn a enparled to the gas molecules ii such a way that the rTiolecI.Iee ate Wanafarved intlnuoualy from Vie rilet to the outlet (150 3529-2)
3.S entrapment pe.anp
vacuum pump In whdi Vie gas mciecule are retamed by sorphen or condensation on Internet surfaces (ISO 3529-2].ISO 14617-9 pdf download.