ISO 1518-1-2011 pdf free download.Paints and varnishes — Determination of scratch resistance — Part 1: Constant-loading method.
6.1 Substrate
The test panels shall be made of steel with a thickness of 0,7 mm to 1,0 mm and shall conform to the requirements of ISo 1514. The panels should preferably have a size of 200 mm x 100 mm.
6.2 Preparation and coating
Prepare each test panel in accordance with ISO 1514 and coat it according to the specified method with the product or system under test.
The method of application of the coating shall be as specified by the manufacturer or agreed between the interested parties and shall be included in the test report [see Clause 9, item c) 2)].
6.3 Drying and conditioning
Dry (or stove) and age, if applicable, each coated test panel for the specified time and under the specified conditions. Before testing, condition the coated panels at a temperature of (23土2) °C and a relative humidity of (50土5) % (i.e. in accordance with ISO 3270) for a minimum period of 16 h. Carry out the test procedure immediately after the removal of the test panels from the conditioning chamber.
The drying (or stoving) and ageing time and conditions shall be as specified by the manufacturer or agreed between interested parties and shall be included in the test report [see Clause 9, item c) 3)].
6.4 Thickness of coating
Determine the thickness, in micrometres, of the dried coating by one of the procedures specifled in ISO 2808.
The dry-film thickness shall be as specified by the manufacturer or agreed between the interested parties and shall be included in the test report [see Clause 9, item c) 4)].
7 Procedure
7.1 Test conditions
Carry out the test at (23土2) °C and a relative humidity of (50土5) %.
7.2 General test procedure
7.2.1 Clamp a coated test panel on the panel holder with the coating facing upwards. Position the test panel so that the distance between the scratches to be made will be at least 5 mm and the distance from the scratches to the edge of the test panel will be at least 10 mm.
7.2.2 Fix the scratch stylus in the load beam so that, when in position on the test panel, the stylus will be perpendicular to the panel.
7.2.3 With the stylus unloaded, balance the load beam by means of the tare weight.
7.2.4 Adjust the test load to the required value by placing a weight on the stylus or by moving the sliding weight, depending on the type of apparatus used.
7.2.5 Activate the indicating device, if used, and check that it is functioning correctly.ISO 1518-1 pdf download.