ISO 15184-2012 pdf free download.Paints and varnishes一Determination of film hardness by pencil test.
7.4 DryIng and conditioning
Dry (Or stove) end age, if apØicable. each coaled test panel for the specified time under the specified condoions. Before testing. corx5eon the coaled panels .1(23 2) ‘C and a relative hisThdfy of(50 5) %. otherwise agreed, for a nanimurn period 0416 h
7.5 ThIckness of coating
The thlduiess of the coating shel be as specified or as agreed between the interested parties. Deterr,ww the ttickness of the coating by one of the procedures specified in ISO 2808.
8 Procedure
8.1 Carry cii the test at a lerviperatureof(23 ±2) ‘C a a relative Isinidily of (50±5) % unleas cthe,wise agreed
8.2 Remove a prosimately S nun to 6mm of wood from the point of each pencil using the special mechanical sharpener (53). being careful to leave an undeturt)ecJ, unmarked, smooth cybide% of penci lead
8.3 Flatten Si• t of the lead by holding the penci in a vertical position and movthg the pendl beck and forth over rasive pape (54). rnaintiing en ane of 90’. Continue unel a flat, smooth, circular cross-section 6 oetained, Ire, from clip, or nictra in the edges
Repeat this procedure each time a pencil is used.
8.4 Place the coated panel on a level lm. hoflzontal surface.
Insert a penci in the test instrument (5.1) and clamp it in position so that the instrument is horizontal. entli the l of the pencil resting on the surface of the paint 1dm (see Figure 1).
85 ImmedIately aRer the lip of the pencil has coma to rest on the osating. push the penal in the i,ctlon aeay from the operator at a uniform speed.
8.6 Unless otherwise agreed, inspect the coating alter 30s, using normal corrected vision, for marking of the land debied in Clause 9
The damage can be assessed more easily alter cleaning al frnents of pencil lead from the paint siface, using a soft cloth or swab of cotton wool (5.5) and an Inert solvent. If this is done, take care that th. solvent does not affect the hardness of the coating lithe test area
By agreement, a magnifying lens (magndlcatlon ic6 to 10) may be usd to assess the damage If a magnifying lens is used, this shal be reported In the test report
If no marking has occurred, repeat tire lest (8.3 to 8.6t without overlap of tie test areas, moving up the hardness scale until maiLing occurs over a distance of at least 3 mm
If marking has ocaxred, repeat the test (8.3 to 86) down the hardness scale until marking no longer occurs.
Determine wheh of the defects 04 the kinds defIned ii CIer,se 9 has been produced.ISO 15184 pdf download.