ISO 15500-2-2012 pdf free download.Road vehicles – Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components – Part 2: Performance and general test methods.
4.3 Unless specifled, ii teals ihal be conducted using y — or r*ogin Test. may .1.0 be conducted with natural gas provided appropriate safety meaw,es are taken The dew pcwit of the test gas at the test pressure ski&I be at the temperatise at which there is no ng 01 hydrate or lijid formation.
5 Hydrostatic strength
A component shall not show any visatie eridence ol rupture when sLeded to the llo&wmg lest procedure.
Plug the outlet openmg 01 the component and have the valve seats or mternal blocks assume the open position Apply, with a lest 6uad. the hydrostatic presst#e speofied m the applicable part 04 ISO 15500 to the mist 04 the component tot a period of at least 3 mm.
The hydrostatic pressure shall then be Increased eta rate of less thai or equal to 1,4 MPais unbl component failure. The hydrostatic pressure at falure stl be recorded The falkøe pressure o4 preously tested components shal be no less than 80 % of the Vaure pressure ol the vwn componea
The saviples used in thés test shal not be used br any other testing.
6 Leakage
6.1 General
6.1.1 Prior lo condeoning. purge the component with nitrogen, then seat it at 30 % of the wodung pressure using ratrogen. dry or natural gas.
6.12 Conchicl all tests while the device Is continuously exposed to the specified test ternperasires. The device slist either be tx,bble4ree or dieplay a leakage tate of less than 20 Nci&th when subØcted to the following test method
I components are sutiec* to more than one w( preSsure, the test ntey be cducted vi subseQuent $le415
6.2 External leakage
62.1 Plug eech device outlet Into the ropriate mating connection.
622 Apply pressurized at, nitrogen or natural gas to the Ir( of the test dance.
62.3 At all temperatures, irvm,rse the components m a .i.stabb lest medium for 2 mm a or use a hete%n vacuum test (global accumulation method) or other eqavnt method.
6.2.4 II there we no bubble, for the .peorwd tim, period, th. sample pease. the test. If bt.bbs are detected. measure the leakage rib using en appropriate method the leakage rate should not be more than that spacilied 116 12
6.3 Internal leakage
6.3.1 The sifernal leakage test is applicable only to devices in the closed position. The am of this test is to cheek the tightness 04 the closed system.ISO 15500-2 pdf download.