ISO 15549-2019 pdf download.Non-destructive testing一Eddy current testing一General principles.
Where the examination is mechanized. the speed of the probc over the surface being examined and the scan path shall be maintained throughout the examination within tolerance limits to be specified in the examination proccdure.
10 Verification of equipment
10.1 Verification intervals
The perfurmance of the examination system shall he verified at specified intervals both on site and in the laboratory. The verification shall he in accordance with applicable standards.
10.2 Functional ‘criflcatioit
Functional checks shall be carried out at specified intervals, but at least at the beginning and the end of an examination. and/or when parts of the equipment are exchanged. andlor when the personnel are changed. Once established, the operating conditions shall he maintained throughout the examination. An allowance for drift shall he made, in accordance with applicable standards or with the examination procedure agreed at the time of enquiry and order.
Failure ot this verification shall he recorded and all of the products examined since the previous successful verification shall be considered as not having been examined.
10.3 Preenthe criflcation
The frequency of this verification is typically once a year.
Deviations and the corrective action taken shall he recorded.
11 Preparation of the product to be tested
11.1 Surface preparation
The surface condition ol the product to he tested can affect the effectiveness of the examination. The effectiveness of the examination can be affected by:
— diii;
conductive and/or fernmagnetic residue;
— non-conductive coatings. particularly if the thickness is variable:
other surface finishes which are conductive; the surface roughness:
weld spatter;
oil, grease or water
When such conditions cannot be changed. the effectiveness of the examination shall be demonstrated.
11.2 Identification
Products to be examined shall be uniquely identified, individually or by test batch.ISO 15549 pdf download.