ISO 16308-2014 pdf free download.Water quality一Determination of glyphosate and AMPA一Method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC] with tandem mass spectrometric d etection.
5.13 Formic add. CH202,
514 Hydrochloric acid. HCI. 300 gJl.
5.15 GlacIal acetIc add. C2H402.
5.16 Ethylenediamlnetetraacetlc add (EDTA), disodlun1 salt dihydrate, C10H1 4NORNaz’2H2O. with a minimum purity o(99 s mass traction,
5.17 9Fluorreiylme(hyl chloroformate,( FMOC’Cl), C5sH1 ClO2. with a minimum purity of 97% miss fraction.
FMOC-Cl Is used to prepare the derivalizatlon reagent, FMOC-CI solution, 50 mg/mI. in acetonit rile (5,). This solution can be stored at —18°C t 3°C for 6 months.
For direct inpct ion (62J). use a FNOC-Cl solution of 0.5 mg/mI in acctonitrile.
5.18 Relerence substances, according to Table L
5.18.1 Glyphosase, N-(phosphonomethyl)gjycine, C3H8NOP, punty >96% mass fraction.
5.182 AMPA. aminomethylphosphonic acid, CH6NO3P. purity >98% mass f.-ction.
5.18.3 1,2.i3C2,15N.iabeilcd glyphosate. surrogate standard, punty >98% mass fraction.
5.18.4 ‘3C,’5N-labelled AMPA. surrogate standard, purity>98% mass fraction.
5.19 Calibration soluitons
Individual stock solutions olglyphosate (5JIfi) and AMPA (118,2), 100 mg/I. prepared en ultra-pure water (5,2). These solutions can be stored at 4°C *3°C (or I month.
Individual stock solutions of 1.24C2,1N•labdlcd glyphosate (5dLI) and 13C,ISN.Iabellcd AMPA
(118.4) 100 mg/I. prcpared In ultra-pure walcr (52). These solutions can be stored at 4 °C ± 3 °C for
1 month.
Multi-substance working solution of %urrogales. I,2.iJC2, glyphosatr and iiC,I5N.labIIrd AMPA. 20 rig/I. prepared in ultra-pure water (52). This solution can be stored at 4°C * 3°C for 1 month.
NOTE Stock and calibration solutions can bc stored bngc’r. provided the adequate JustIfications are given regarding stability.
5.20 Triethylammonium acetate buffer, 0.1 S (5.11) solution adpusted to pH 9.5 with glacial acetic acid (515) (mobsle phasc)
5.21 Sodium trlraborate. decahydratr, Na211407’10H20.
5.22 HorateNa buffer, 0,05 mol/l; p11 9,2.
Dissolve 19 s 0,1 g of sodium tetraborate (121). decahydratr in II of water (Sd). This solution can be stored for approximately 1 ma at 4°C ± 3°C.
523 Mineral waler, containing less than 3,2 mmol/l divaknt caflons (Mg2 arid total Cap) for preparing matrix-matched calibration.ISO 16308 pdf download.