ISO 16373-2-2014 pdf free download.Textiles一Dyestuffs一 Part 2: General method for the determination of extractable dyestuffs including allergenic and carcinogenic dyestuffs (method using pyridine-water).
It is the user’s responsibility to use sale and proper techniques in handling materials in this test method. Consult manufacturers for specific details such as material safely cl.ita sheets .and other recommendations.
Good laboratory practice should be followed, Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas and a single use dust respirator while handling powder dyestuffs.
Attention is drawn to any national and local salety regulations.
6 Reagents
Unless otherwise specified, analytical grade chemicals shall be used.
6.1 Pyridine.
6.2 Acetoaltrile, ehromatogriphec grade.
6.3 Ammonium acetate,
6.4 Tetrabutylammonium dihydrogen phosphate.
6.5 DeionIzed water, grade 3 in accordance with ISO 3696.
6.6 Pyridlnc/water (1:1), prepared by mIxing 500 ml pyrldine (6.1) and 500 ml waLer (6.5).
Keep the solution in a brown glass bottle.
6.7 Individual stock solutions, prepared in pyridine-water 1:1. of all reference substances listed in Anci.Aand15
It Is recommended that reference substances (Including those listed in Annexes A and 13) of the highest purity grade available on the market be used. The given purity has to be considered for the calculation (see Clause 9).
7 Apparatus
7.1 Apparatus and auxiliaries (or sample preparation
7.1.1 Standard laboratory equipment
7.1.2 Analytical balance, resolution at 0.01 g.
7.1.3 Glass vials (20 ml to 40 ml). with tight closure.
7.1.4 Heating source generates heat at a temperature of (100 * C (thermal block or laboratory sand-bath, controllable).
7.1.5 Autosampler glass vials, with tight closure.
7.1.6 Thcrmose’nsing device. e.g thermocouple, to measure at 100 C with a resolution of 0,2 C.
7.2 Chromatographic equipment (selected from the following)
7.2.1 Equipment for L(/DAD
— High performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC),
— DAD detector.ISO 16373-2 pdf download.