ISO 16842-2021 pdf download.Metallic materials – Sheet and strip 一Biaxial tensile testing method using a cruciform test piece.
This document specifies the method for measuring the stress-strain curves of sheet metals subject to biaxial tension using a cruciform test piece fabricated from a sheet metal sample. The applicable thickness of the sheet is 0,1 mm or more and 0,08 times or less of the arm width of the cruciform test piece (see Figure 1). The test temperature ranges from 10 °C to 35 °C. The amount of plastic strain applicable to the gauge area of the cruciform test piece depends on the force ratio, slit width of the arms, work hardening exponent (n-value) (see Annex B) and anisotropy of a test material.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 80000-1, Quantities and units — Part 1: General
Iso 7500-1, Metallic materials — Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines — Part 1:
Tension/corn pression testing machines —Calibration and verification of the force-measuring system
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:J/
— IEC Electropedia: available at
3.1 cruciform test piece
test piece which is recommended in the biaxial tensile test and whose geometry is specified in this document
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
3.2 gauge area
square area which is located in the middle of the cruciform test piece and is enclosed by the four arms of the cruciform test piece
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
3.3 arm
generic name for all areas other than the gauge area in the cruciform test piece
Note ito entry: The arms play a role of transmitting tensile forces in two orthogonal directions to the gauge area of the cruciform test piece (see Figure 1).ISO 16842 pdf download.