ISO 1827-2011 pdf download.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of shear modulus and adhesion to rigid plates – Quadruple- shear methods.
7.3 Number of test pieces
The test shall be carried out on three Imethod A) or five (method B) lest pieces
8 TIme Interval between vulcantzatlon and testing
Unless Otherwise specified for technical reasons, the tine interval between vcatization and testing shai be a, acoordaice weti ISO 23529
9 Conditioning
9.1 When a test is made at one of the standard laboratory temperatures speaf.ed ii ISO 23529. tie test piece be matnbened at that cOndition for at least 3 h before the test
9.2 When lasts are made at subnoemai or elevated temperature., tie tell pieces shall be maintained at the condition. of feet tat a period oh bane wtficient to reach feniperstur. .qulteriia,i etIti tie teat environment, or tat bie penod of ne reguied by the specification covering the material or product being tested.
10 Temperature of test
Carry out the test at one of the temperatixes specified in ISO 23529 Unless otherwise specified, one of the standard laboratory tempeatures shal be used.
The sante temperature shai be used for any senes of tests rnded to be comparable
11 Procedure
11.1 Method A
11.1.1 Determine the dinensions of the rubber etements in the test piece. Where pteebie, the reirements of ISO 23529 shal be met.
For teat piece. prepared by vulcanization in a mould the mould din.n.iona may be used to d.temwn. the area of eech element The thickness shall be determined from measurements of tie rigid plates arid of the moulded test piece, by difbrence For test pieces prepared from pre-moulded riAibec elements the dimensions of the elements thai be determined before bonding
11.1.2 Alter conditioning as epecded a, Cleese 9, inmedlately mount the Lest peoe In the test macheie, tawig care to ensure freedom of kmg4urflnal eel aigriment with ti. direction oh force app5cabon
For some applications, a mectiaracat conditioning procedure rmgtfl be required In such cases, apply frye successive shear-loading cycles from 0 % la 30 %. During conditioning, and dixlng mthaequenl testing, maintain Pie teelpiec. at tie test temperature
11.1.3 When the test piecae mounted in he lest machine. irrwnedietely zero the force- end deformationmeasuring apparatus while maintasiing a slirt traction force, for example 1 % of the expected maximum force. Wnmectefy apply an irlaeasing traction force at a rate of separation of the jaws of 5 mminin ± I nvn/nwi isiti a maxanLail shear strain of 30 S Is reached, and record the force.idelormatlon ourve.ISO 1827 pdf download.