ISO 19363-2020 pdf download.Electrically propelled road vehicles 一 Magnetic field wireless power transfer一Safety and interoperability requirements.
S Requirements regarding environmental conditions
Components of the LV device installed at the underbody of the LV shall have I? degree 1P6K7 and IP6K9K according to 150 20653.
The environmental requirements applicable to a particular LV device shall be identified and agreed between the vehide manufacturer and the supplier. The LV device shall withstand and retain its degree of protection under the typEcal mechanical bath and stresses the LV devke is subiected to In Its intended mourning position.
NOTE ISO 16750 (aI parts) and 1St) 214S1i1 (all parts) contain Inlornistioc Lot gwdance
6 Classification
This document specifies requirements that address the following aspects or MF•WPT systems:
— system safety (Clause 10),
— system performance (CLause 7]. ansI
— interuperability.
Requirements regarding system safety and system performance are relevant and applicable for safe operation of any MF•WPT system (Including dedicated single•supplier solutions) while still assuring some base level olperforinance.
The interoperability requirements supplement the safety and performance requirements in order to allow for interoperabihty of a supply device and an LV device provided by independent suppliers.
Two conipatibilily classes have been specified to accommodate these design considerations:
— Compatibility class A: LV devices of this class are Intended for interoperable application and arc required to meet a Set of safety and perlormancc requirements Cross•aupplier interopcrability Is tested with the normative reference supply power circuits as pecificd In this document.
— (:tiii1tthillty cbss II. EV devices of this class are not intended for interoperahlc .ippllc.ation hut still .11 e ri—i i iired to meet t hr si—I of s.i let rrqu i remi-lit s; perlormarn-r rrqii irement ma 1w dii fermi thin th. of disc A FVdcc’ir rif this cI.issaretested with stipplimrcpcitimd ciipplv
7 MF-WPT powar transfer requirements
7.1 General
Unkss otherwise specified the requirements In Clause 7 refer to EVPCs of both compatibihty classes.
Conformance to the reqLiirenwnts in 72 to 7.6 is tested according to 7.7. whereas EVPCs olcompatibility dass A are tested with the normative reference supply power rircuits described in Annexes A and H. and EVPCs of compatibility class B are tested with supplier specific supply power circuits
The supplier shall specify the rated conditions of an EVPC according to Tahlc 1.ISO 19363 pdf download.