ISO 19626-1-2020 pdf download.Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration一Trusted communication platforms for electronic documents一 Part 1: Fundamentals.
This definitional gap causes disagreement about dematerialization. It means that even technically successful c-document cannot be easily admitted as a legal source about that transaction after passing a long term. The reason is that the electronic document has weak property to prove an original source through the successful communication. In order to remove this gap, electronic communication needs to provide its evidence which can be approved at legal aspects.
Therefore, this document sets up the requirements for the evidence of communication which shall be able to be approved at legal aspects. The following three requirements shall be met to fulfil trusted communication from legal aspects;
— the certainty of communication — whether an electronic communication is factually and certainly executed from/to communication partners;
— the completeness of communication — whether an electronic communication is successfully and completely executed by the intermediaries;
— the confidentiality of communication — whether an electronic communication is securely and confidentially executed from end to end.
These requirements provide a necessary and sufficient condition for fulfilling trusted communication. Herewith an evidence for meeting these requirements can be useful to provide legal admissibility.
4.2.2 Certainty of communication
In order to guaranttee the certainty of communication at legal aspects, its evidence can be duly approved that the communication parties and their business context are factual. To accomplish this, electronic communication methods shall be reliable and appropriate for the purpose for which the electronic communication was generated, or shall be proven to have fulfilled the function of identity and intention, either independently or together with other evidences. Therefore, trusted communication can include the following requirements for legal admissibility.
(1) Certainty about communication parties
In the case of non-face to face communication, it is important to confirm that communication parties are the very same persons and their communication contents have the very same own intentions in the communication context. In order to guarantee the certainty of communication parties, the evidence shall be able to capture the information of their authenticated identities like the following:
— Communication parties should be identifiable and authenticable that they shall be the right persons and their access should be authorized.
These methods or technologies are various for guaranteeing the certainty of communication parties. However, for a trusted communication, the authentication technology shall be recommended to use the same one or the mutually recognized one.
(2) Certainty about time and place
Trusted communication should be able to verify the fact of having been executed like the following:
— time of dispatch (leaving): time at which the sender has sent a message;
Time information shall be adjusted and synchronized to the UTC (coordinated universal time) for protecting probable dispute about transmission.
— time of receipt: time at which the recipient has received the message;
In case of communication transfer error (that is, the communication message is in a state of being left in an electronic communication system, not having been sent to the destination), time of receipt shall be considered acceptable.ISO 19626-1 pdf download.