ISO 21195-2020 pdf download.Ships and marine technology一 Systems for the detection of persons while going overboard from ships (man overboard detection).
5.5,3 Noise emitting system components
All parts 01 the system that is Installed In the navigating bridge and/or chartrooms shall have a combined noise level of lesti than 60d8(A) at a distance of I in from any part ci the eqLlepnwnt under test (EUT), as defined in IEC 60945:2002, 11.1. The MOB audible alarm is exempt from this requirement.
System components installed in locations other than the navigating bridge or chartroam shall follow use maximum noise levels set forth by IMO Resolution MSC337(91) The MOB audible alarm ix exempt from this requirement
5.5.4 Power
The equipment shall be compatible with ship’s power as specilwd and tested in accordance with lEt 60945 tar nominal AX power input between 100 Vrms and 230 Vrms.
5.5.5 Electromagnetic compatibility
The system shall satisfy the requirements for electronsag,wt.c emission and immunity to
electromagnetic environments set forth in lEt 60945.
5.5.6 Ingress protection
All components of the system that are rL-quired to be installed In an area of the ship that Is open to the elements shall be certified to an Ingress protection rating of lPx6 or greater. Testing shall be conducted in line with procedures In IEC 60945.
5.5.7 EnvIronmental vibration
The system shall be capile of withstanding typical enviro.iniental vibrations that can be encountered on the ship. the system shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60945 to determine this capability.
5.5.8 Thermal performance
The system shall be certified as having been tested against the thermal requirements of IEC 60945 as .tppllcable to each component,
5.6 MOB detection
The system shall detect persona that pass through the MOB detection zone (see 17) while going overboard.
the method 01 detection shall not require the passengers or crew to wear or carry a device to trigger an MOB event.
At a minimum, the system shall be capable of detecting a human with a height greater than 1,466 m. This height is based on the minimum S° percentile stature data published In lSO/TR 7250•2.
5.7 MOB detection zone
The MOB detection zone shall be designed to:
a) cover the entire perIphery of the ship;
b) be located at or below the lowest accessible open area; and
c) extend a minimum at H in from the periphery ad the shlp.ISO 21195 pdf download.