ISO 21586-2020 pdf download.Reference data for financial services – Specification for the description of banking products or services (BPoS).
4.2.3 Sequence of key elements
The sequential arrangement of key elements depends upon whether it is the description of a single BPoS or the description of a family or subfamily of BPoS.
a) When a single BPoS is described, the elements should be arranged for human reading in accordance with the sequence listed in Clause 6. with the following additional requirements:
1) Required key elements shall not be omitted unless the level of conformity ‘below baselines described in 52 is chosen.
2) Whether optional key elements may be omitted depends on the choice of the level of conformity described in 2.
3) Voluntary key elements should be listed after the elements listed in Cauv.
b) When a subfamily of a family of BPoS is described, elements for human reading shall be arranged in accordance with the sequence listed in Clause 6. with the following additional requirements:
1) Common key elenwnts of a subfamily or family shall be described first, and the sequential arrangement shall list required key elements, optional key elements and voluntary key elements, in this order.
2) Key elements belonging only to some members of a subfamily or family are listed subsequently as follows: required key elements, optional key elements and voluntary key elements. If a BPoS can be grouped by some elements, the group can be divided into subfamilies according to 423 b) 1) until every element of each BPoS is explained.
3) The description of a subfamily or family of BPoS can be grouped together. Each element of every BPoS in a subfamily or family shall be found in the description. Otherwise, the description of the BPoS shall be made according to 42.3 c).
c) When a single BPoS belonging to a family has inherited some information from it, additional requirements are:
1) The description of the family of BPoS shall be composed and released. Namely, customers can access the description of the family of BPoS while the customer touches the description of the single BPoS.
2) The cited description of the family of BPoS shall be declared accurately.
3) In cases where some information needs to be supplied to the existing key element described in the description of the family of BPoS, the supplemental content shall be placed behind the original content of the related key element.
4) When some information beyond the scope of the required and optional key elements defined in this document needs to be supplied, the supplemental content can be managed as voluntary key elements and composed according to 4.2.L3.
NOTE The principle and approach by which the set, family and subfamily were divided are not included in this document.ISO 21586 pdf download.