ISO 22192-2021 pdf download.Bunkering of marine fuel using the Coriolis mass flow meter (MFM) system.
5.3.2 The expanded measurement uncertarnty should include all the uncertainty components outlined In Annex B.
5.3.3 The measurement uncertainly shall be assessed .ind evaluated In accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 98.3.
5.3.4 The rvquirvnwnts aIzero offset limit and zero wnfic-ation indude the following
a) Maximum permissible zero offset shall be not more than 0.2 % oIQ0_.
b) Zero setting and zero verification are required during commtssmning. These operations shall be performed by conformity body.
c) Zero setting Is done through measuring and storing the zero offset during no flow condition. so that a new base line is formed for the measured mass flow when particular criteria (depending on meter type used) are met.
d) Periodical check on iero stability is required according to zero verilication procedure. See and AnncxD.
eJ To achieve a ptoper zero adlustment/verlflcatlon procedure. the status of the Coriolls meter during no flow should be Ieprrwnt.kLlve of single-phase flow conditions.
5.3.5 The low flow cut-offsetting value shall be not more than 12% of
5.3,6 The operating mass flow rate for custody transfer shall not be less than Qmi and not more than Qm. In addition, the transferred quantity shall not be less than the minimum measured quantity (MMOJ In order to achieve the requirement of 0,5 % overall expanded measurement uncertaInly of the metering system.
5.3.7 The meter-long term stability shall be not more than a variance oft 0.2%.
5.3.8 The flow measurement error due to aeration effects shall not caus, the overall expanded measurement uncertainty of the MFM system to exceed 0.5 %.
5.4 Post approval maintenance
5.4.1 Meter zero verification frequency
Zero verification shall he done quarterly in the first year and every six months thereafter Certified and authentic copies of the latest zero verification report shall be kept on board the bunker tanker.
5.4.2 Zero verification procedure
Zero verification shall be carried out during a forward flow by filling the flow sensor with non-aerated
bunker fuel Refer to Annex 1) for the procedures of zero verification.
5.4.3 Meter and ancIllary devices verification and/or calibration frequency
The meter shall be verified and/or calibrated pcrlodicatiy. The aneilbry devices shall be verified or calibrated periodically if required.
5.4.4 Software upgrade! software update
In the event that upgrade/update of software Is required for the MFM system, verification shall he carried out to confirm that the performance of the MFM system meets the metrological requirements.ISO 22192 pdf download.