ISO 22733-1-2021 pdf download.Road vehicles – Test method to evaluate the performance of autonomous emergency braking systems一 Part 1: Car-to-car.
6.3 Transducer Installation
The transient vehicle pitch changes shall not adversely affect the me.isurcment ol the velocity .irid distance variables for the chosen transducer system.
64 Calibration
All transducers shall be calibrated according to the maiititaccurrrs rnstructIuns, The transducer manufacturers rewmniended application software and firmw.ire version shall be used, If parts of the measuring system can be adjusted. sudi calibration shall be performed immediately before the beginning of the tests
6.5 Data processing
Piker the measured data as foUowg
— position and speed are not filtered and are used In their raw state;
— acceleration with a 12-pole phaseiess Butterworth litter with a cut-off frequency ol 10 Hz:
— yaw rate with a 12-pole phaseless Butterworth rilter with a cut•olf Frequency of 10 11z
— force with a 12-pole phaseless Rutterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz
7 Test conditions
7.1 General
The test conditions shall be in a ordance with ISO 15037-1:2019, Clause 6, unless otherwise specified below
7.2 General data
General data on the test vehicle and test conditions shall be recorded as specified In ISO 15037-1:2019.
7.3 Test track
Conduct tests on a dry (no visible moisture on the surface), uniform, solid-paved surface with a conSistent slope between level and 1 %. The test surface shall have a minimal peak braking coelfiuent (PHC) ot0,9.
The surface shall be paved and shall not contarn any irregularities (eg. large dips or cracks, manhole covers or reflective studs) thac may give rise to abnormal sensor measurements within a lateral distance ol 3,0 m to either side of the theoretical path line and with a longitudinal distance of 30 m beyond the position of VUT/EVT at the end of the test.
Lane markings are allowed However, testing may oniy be conducted In an area where typical road markings depicting a driving lane may not be parallel to the test path within 3.0 m either side. Lines or markings may cross ihe test path but may not br present In the area where APH activation and/or braking after FCW is expected.
7.4 Weather conditions
Conduct tests in dry conditions with ambient temperature above 0 C and below 45 C.
The surface temperature of the test track shall be between .10 C and -50 °C.ISO 22733-1 pdf download.