ISO 22932-1-2020 pdf download.Mining一Vocabulary 一 Part 1: Planning and surveying.
probable reserve
area of mineral believed to lie beyond the developed reserve but not yet proven by development
Note I to entry: See Reference [201.
proven reserve
reserves that have been sampled extensively by closely spaced diamond drill holes and developed by underground workings in sufficient detail to render an accurate estimation of grade and tonnage
Note 1 to entry: See Reference IZJ.
sterilized coal
part of a coal seam which, for various reasons, is not mined
[SOURCE: BS 3618-1:1969]
3.1.4 Construction
act of laying out or regulating by line, of adjusting to a line
Note ito entry: See also co-planning (32.3.8).
[SOURCE: Dictionary of Mining, Mineral and Related Terms, US. Bureau of Mines, 1996]
layout design or pattern of the main roadways ( and workings
Note I to entry: The proper layout of mine workings is the responsibility of the manager aided by the planning ( department
[SOURCE: Dictionary of Mining, Mineral and Related Terms, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 19961
diagram showing disposition of machines in a mill’s flow line
[SOURCE: Dictionary of Mining, Mineral and Related Terms, U.S. Bureau of Mines. 1996]
3.1.5 Mine closure
abandoned mine
abandoned workings
area formerly used for mining or mineral processing where closure has not occurred or is incomplete
[SOURCE: ISO 20305]
abandonment of a mining claim, that can be by failure to perform work, by conveyance, by absence, and by lapse of time
ISOURCE: Dictionary of Mining, Mineral and Related Terms, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 19961.ISO 22932-1 pdf download.