ISO 23300-1-2021 pdf download.Railway infrastructure一Rail welding- Part 1: General requirements and test methods for rail welding.
6.4 Past-the-post fatigue test
The straightness of the welded joint in finished condition shall not affect the execution of a past-the- post fatigue test.
The test sample shall be subject to NDT, which shall include VT and UT, MT or PT as appropriate. Only those samples that have been qualified by NDT can be used for the fatigue test.
The test shall be conducted in three-point or four-point bending with the rail foot in tension. Each test type is sufficient for approval.
The requirements for the three-point bending test and the test method given in Annex C shall be followed.
The requirements for the four-point bending test and the test method given in Annex D shall be followed.
6.5 Macro examination
Macro examination shall be performed to investigate the presence or absence of defects in the relevant sections, or on a fracture face following bend, fatigue or drop-hammer testing that is not identified as a surface breaking defect in the welded joint and to confirm that the appropriate heat input has been achieved. The macro structures depend on each welding process.
The macro examination described in Aniiex.E shall be followed.
6.6 Micro examination
Micro examination shall be performed to investigate the presence or absence of an abnormal metallographic structure in the welded joint. The micro structures depend on each welding process.
The micro examination described in Annex F shall be followed.
6.7 Hardness test
A hardness test shall be performed to evaluate wear resistance and to confirm accordance with specification. The hardness values depend on each welding process.
The hardness test described in Annex.G shall be followed.
6.8 Drop-hammer test (optional)
A railway authority may demand a drop-hammer test to assess the welded joint’s performance.
If applied, the drop-hammer test described in Annex H shall be followed.
6.9 Recording of defects
The details of weld defects shall be recorded.
The recording of defects described in Annex I shall be lollowed.
6.10 Test result reports
Test result reports shall contain, as a minimum, items in accordance with the relevant annexes and shall reference this document.ISO 23300-1 pdf download.