ISO 23936-2-2011 pdf free download.Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production — Part 2: Elastomers.
4 Technical requirements
Technical requirements depend on material property characteristics and specific functional tests for an application. Elastomer selection shall be based on evaluation of compatibility with service environment, functionality under service and the design lifetime. This part of ISO 23936 covers materials tests and not functional tests. The following should be considered as appropriate to the component requirements and evaluated when selecting the material:
a) adequate physical and mechanical properties (density, hardness, tensile strength, elongation at break, modulus of elasticity, compression set, tear strength, etc.); standard properties from which design specifications are selected and for quality assurance and control aspects;
b) resistance against RGD events; a property of importance in high pressure gas sealing applications, covered in depth in this part of ISO 23936;
c) long-term behaviour; resistance to chemical/physical change of the material; an important characteristic regarding sealing generally in the oil and gas sector, covered in this part of ISO 23936;
d) low temperature flexibility; a property highly relevant to low temperature sealing applications;
e) for large components exposed to gaseous production fluid, high pressure gas permeation; a property highly relevant to possible gas pressure build-up within the component structure, e.g. for hoses;
f) resistance to high pressure extrusion or creep (functional tests not covered by this part of ISO 23936);
g) resistance to thermal cycling and dynamic movement (functional tests not covered by this part of ISO 23936). Clause 2 gives references to relevant standards for elastomeric materials. The standards describe the test methodology for performing particular materials tests. The test conditions and durations shall be as described in this part of ISO 23936 and shall take precedence in those cases where this part of ISO 23936 deviates from the referenced standards. Long term (ageing) test objectives are described in Clause 7; procedural details are given in Annex A. RGD test objectives and procedures for elastomer O-ring seals are described in Clause 7 and Annex B. It is the responsibility of the asset operator to provide all necessary information about service conditions and environment. Information on elastomer characteristics is provided in Annex C.
5 Documentation requirements
NOTE The required documentation of material properties of thermoplastic materials is described in ISO 23936-1. Required documentation of material properties is given in Table 1. Requirements pertaining both to documentation of properties and quality control are given. Each elastomer material used shall be traceable to the compound manufacturer and their quality control documentation as required in Table 1. Each batch of material shall be supplied with, as a minimum, a certificate of conformance (COC) and traceability information.
Table 1 also defines the minimum amount of production and quality control testing required during manufacturing of the elastomer materials. The final procedures, with respect to key parameters and tolerances, shall be defined based on results from testing performed according to this part of ISO 23936. The user shall define the necessary requirements with tolerances in the purchase specification. Guidelines on selection of standards are given in parentheses. Characteristics, which are not relevant for expected service conditions and/or material type, may be omitted.ISO 23936-2 pdf download.