ISO 28005-2-2021 pdf download.Ships and marine technology Electronic port clearance (EPC)- Part 2: Core data el lements.
4.7 Principle for creating a message file with core data elements
Clauses 5 to 7 of this document define data types that can be used to construct core data elements. Annex A defines how each core data element shall be defined from the data type. Any selection of core data elements can be used to generate an XML message for exchange of information between ship and shore. ISO 28005-1 specifies how the message shall be constructed and how messages are exchanged.
4.8 Structure of data type definitions
4.8.1 General
Each data type is defined in a separate subclause, the structure of which is descibed in 42 to
4.8.2 Clause and data type name
All data types defined in this document are given a name that is also included as the first part of the heading for the subclause where the data type is defined.
The data type name follows the specifications for XML tag namesL-J, with the following additional constraints.
a) The name shall always end with the string “Type”.
NOTE I Some core data elements can also have the ending “Type”. In that case, the corresponding core data type has the postfix ‘peTrpe
b) Enumerated data types shall have the postfix ContentType”.
c) This document uses the “Upper Camel Case” in all core data types, i.e. the first letter is upper case and, when the tag name consists of a number of concatenated words, each of the words starts with an upper case letter.
d) The name consists only of characters from the sets (A-Z), (a-z) and, exceptionally, (0-9).
NOTE 2 The names have been selected to be generally understandable in the context of ship-to-shore communication for port clearance. The names are in normal British English without any special characters. Names are in singular form except where the data element contains a list of items, in which case the tag name is in plural form.
4.8.3 Definition
Each data type has a definition that is intended to give an unambiguous description of what the data element shall contain and in what context it is valid. This is the first paragraph after the heading of the clause.
4.8.4 Type defined as XSD code
Each data type is defined as a section of XSD code. This section only covers the actual data type definition and Is not a valid XML document in itself. Annex S gives a brief overview of the syntax elements used, but the user of this document should refer to Reference [16] for the definitive descriptions.
NOTE The XSD code has been generated automatically and, as the order of child elements in XSD is important and cannot arbitrarily be changed, the ordering in the XSD code is the generated order, and is not always logical.
4.8.5 Representation
Additional information about how the data field shall be formatted is contained in the representation paragraph. This can give, for example, the normative reference to the official sources of enumeration codes.ISO 28005-2 pdf download.