ISO 2812-4-2017 pdf download.Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to liquids一 Part 4: Spotting methods.
9.2 Test condItions
Carry out the test at the standard temperature specified In ISO 3270, i.e. (23* 2)C.
9.3 DetermInation
9.3.1 Method A — Horizontal text panel Perform the test in duphcate.
Place the test panel horizontally, When using hquid test substance’s, apply them to the test panel with a pipette, making sure that the droplets do not touch one another and that the distance to the edges of the panel is at least 12 mm. Then immediately cover the test areas with the Petri dishes,
When using highly viscous or paste’like test substances, apply about 0.5 cm3 of each substance to the test panel and cover the areas with Petri dishes.
The test duration shall be agreed between the interested parties and should reik’ct the end use of the coating.
9.32 Method B — Inclined test panel Perforni the test In duplicate.
Place the test panel in a collecting vessel at an angle of 30° to the horizontaL With the burette, and at intervals of 1 s to 2 s. apply droplets of the liquid test substance to the upper section of the test panel, close to the centre of the panel. over a period of 10 mm. The substance will flow down the test panel into the collecting vessel,
10 Evaluation
After the test period has expired, wipe the test panel with dry cotton wool, Clean off any dried residue of aqueous test substances under running water, and clean oft’ the dried residue of any other test substances with a wivent that does not attack the coating,
Evaluate only the area which has been in direct contact with the test substance.
Unless otherwise agreed, immediately assess the test panel for blistering as specified in ISO 4628-2 and in comparison with the non-exposed areas of the panel. Rate any visible alterations as specified In
ISO 4628-1.
Unless otherwise agreed. reassess the expoied areas after 24 h
Further tests on the exposed and non-exposed areas of the test panel may he performed (e.g. cross-cut test, hardness test. etc.) to determine the changes resulting from the effects of the test substances. If the substrate of the test piece is to be examined for visible alterations, remove the coating using the specified procedure.
If the results of the evaluation of the duplicate determinations differ significantly, repeat the determination, again in duplicate.
Report the results of all determinations, Including any repeat determinations.
11 PrecIsion
No details arc currently available for the repeatability limit (r) and reproducibility limit (R).ISO 2812-4 pdf download.