ISO 28560-1-2011 pdf free download.Information and documentation — RFID in libraries Part 1 : Data elements and general guidelines for implementation.
4.2 Use of user data elements
4.2.1 Primary item identifier
The library’s unique identification of an item shall be used as the primary item identifier. This data element is required for circulation. It may be absent in the acquisition process.
The primary item identifier can be, but need not be equivalent to the (former) bar code. It may be decided at a local or national level if the identifier should be unique outside the library and how this is to be achieved.
Annex B illustrates how the primary item identifier can be combined with other data to achieve increasing levels of uniqueness, ultimately global uniqueness.
4.2.2 Content parameter
The content parameter data element specifies the structure of the tag data. The parameter can have different
forms for the various possible encoding methodologies specified in other parts of ISO 28560.
4.2.3 Owner institution (ISIL)
The owner institution (ISIL) data element is used for the ISIL code for the institution that owns the item.
The ISIL code shall be as defined in ISO 15511.
The list of ISIL agencies that are responsible for the issuing process of ISIL codes can be found at
In exceptional cases, the ISIL code, or parts of the ISIL code, may be stored in data element 23 (alternative owner institution).
4.2.4 Set information General
If the set information data element is encoded, it shall consist of two components:
a) “number of parts in item”, followed by
b) “ordinal part number”, as specified in and These two component parameters are used to identify various permutations relating to sets.
A single part item is the default case. A system reading a tag that does not contain the set information data element may assume that the item has only a single part. Numbers of parts in item
For sets with only a single part, the “numbers of parts in item” component shall take the value “1”.
For sets with more than a single part, the “numbers of parts in item” component shall take a value in the range 0 to 255, where a positive number indicates the total number of parts in the set, and 0 that the total number is not known.ISO 28560-1 pdf download.