ISO 3046-1-2002 pdf free download.Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Performance — Part 1: Declarations of power, fuel and lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods — Additional requirements for engines for general use.
However, in the case of a), if the automatic air temperature device is fully closed at full load at 298 K (25 “℃)(noheated air added to the inlet air), the test shall be carried out with the device fully closed, and the normal correctionfactor applied. In the case of c), the fuel consumption for compression-ignition (diesel) engines shall be correctedby the reciprocal of the power correction factor.
ln order to show clearly the conditions under which the power output is determined, it is necessary to distinguishthose auxiliaries which affect the final shaft output of the engine and also those which are necessary for itscontinuous or repeated use.For examples, see annex A.
ltems of equipment ftted to the engine and without which the engine could not operate at its declared power underany circumstances are considered to be engine components and are not, therefore , classed as auxilianies.
NOTE ltems such as the fuel injection pump, exhaust turbocharger and charge air cooler are in this category.
7Method of power correction
The requirements given in clause 7 of ISO 15550:2002 apply.
Measurement of exhaust emission
For the measurement of the gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions after the measurement of engine powerhas been completed, the measurement methods shown in ISO 8178 apply.
Test report
The test report in accordance with 9.1 of lSO 15550:2002 applies.
10 Methods of calculating power adjustment and recalculating specific fuel consumption
10.1 General
The engine manufacturer shall indicate the amounts by which the test or site ambient conditions may differ from thestandard reference conditions without having to adjust the power and recalculate the specific fuel consumption.
10.2 Application
The procedures given in this part of lSO 3046 shall be applied to calculate:
a) the expected power and specific fuel consumption for site ambient conditions from values known for standard
reference conditions (see 10.3 and 10.4);
b) whether the values of power and fuel consumption attained under engine test ambient conditions correspond
to the declared values (see 10.3 and 10.4).ISO 3046-1 pdf download.