ISO 3262-1-2020 pdf download.Extenders – Specifications and methods of test一 Part 1: Introduction and general test methods.
5 Test methods
NOTE For particular test methods for individual extenders, see the appropriate parts of Iso 3262.
5.1 Comparison of colour
NOTE There is no objection to the use of a particular instrumental method, agreed between the interested parties, for comparison of colour. Iso 11664-4 defines procedures for calculating the respective coordinates in the CIE 1976 L’ab colour space. However, in view of differences between the results obtained with various instruments, the simple visual method is given as the referee method. A method for the assessment of hue of near-white specimens is described in ISO 18314-1.
Place approximately equal masses of the test sample and the agreed reference sample on to a ground glass plate placed on a piece of white paper,
Place a thin glass plate vertically between the two samples so as to form a partition. Push the samples towards each other until they come into contact with the thin glass plate. Remove the glass plate and flatten the surface of the two heaps with another glass plate, removing the latter before viewing.
Examine the colour of the samples in diffuse daylight or, if good daylight is not available, make the comparison in artificial daylight.
Carefully add a few drops of either white spirit or water (as agreed between the interested parties) in such a way that the two samples are just wetted without being disturbed, then repeat the colour comparison by the same method as before.
5.2 Determination of loss on ignition
NOTE For the determination of loss on ignition of aluminium hydroxides, see ISO 3262-16.
5.2.1 Apparatus
Use ordinary laboratory apparatus and glassware, together with the following: Platinum or porcelain dish, shallow. Mume furnace.
5.2.2 Procedure
Weigh, to the nearest 1 mg, about 0,5 g to 2 g of the test sample, previously dried in accordance with ISO 787-2, into the tared platinum or porcelain dish (, ignite in the muffle furnace ( at (1 000 ± 25) °C to constant mass together with a cover lid, and cool immediately in a desiccator containing a suitable desiccant such as phosphorus pentoxide or orange gel. To avoid uptake of moisture during handling, cover the dish with the lid.
NOTE The mass depends on the specific density of the extender.ISO 3262-1 pdf download.