ISO 3376-2020 pdf download.Leather一Physical and mechanical tests – Determination of tensile strength and percentage elongation
6.3 If the test pieces are removed from standard atmosphere for cutting and not tested within
30 minutes, then the test pieces shall be returned straight away to the standard atmosphere for
conditioning in accordance with Iso 2419.
7 Procedure
7.1 Determination of dimensions
7.1.1 Using vernier callipers (5,5), measure the width of each test piece to the nearest 0,1 mm at three positions on the grain side and three on the flesh side. In each group of three measurements, make one at the mid-point E (as shown in Figure 1) and the other two at positions approximately midway between the mid-point E and the lines AB and CD. Take the arithmetic mean of the six measurements as the width of the test piece, w. For soft (flexible) leather, the width b (in Figure 1) shall be taken as the width of the press knife.
7.1.2 Measure the thickness of each test piece in accordance with ISO 2589. Make the measurements at three positions, namely the mid-point E and at positions approximately midway between the midpoint E and the lines AB and CD. Take the arithmetic mean of the three measurements as the thickness of the test piece, t.
7.2 Determination of tensile strength
7.2.1 II 7.3 and/or 7.4 are also required to be carried out, then the same test piece may be used to complete Z2. Z.3 and/or 7.4 in a single test, providing the pre-load and initial length measurement described in 7.3.1. is carried out at 721.
7.2.2 Set the jaws of the tensile testing apparatus (51.) (50 ± 1) mm apart if using the standard test piece or (100 ± 1) mm apart if using the large test piece. Clamp the test piece in the jaws so that the edges of the jaws lie along the lines AB and CD. When the test piece is clamped, ensure its grain surface lies in one plane. The length axis shall be parallel to the traction direction.
7.2.3 Run the machine until the test piece breaks and record the highest force exerted as maximum force, Fmax.
7.2.4 For tensile strength determination, the recorded Fmax value shall be used for calculation.
NOTE Variable results can occur if using the force at the test piece’s break, Fbreak, instead of Fmax, depending on the type of leather.
7.3 Determination of the percentage elongation caused by a specified load
7.3.1 Clamp the test piece between the jaws of the apparatus, as described in 722. For measurement of elongation a slight tension shall be applied by means of a pre-load. This may be achieved by:
a) manually applying a low load below the clamping position CD as the lower jaw is closed, or
b) instrumentally using the tensile testing machine (5.1) to apply a pre-load.
An instrumental pre-load value may be chosen according to the maximum force, Fmax of the leather to be tested or as otherwise specified by the client. Examples of instrumental pre-load values are:
— for Fmax < 100 N, a pre-load of 0,5 N; — for 100 N < Fmax < 300 N, a pre-load of 2,0 N; — for Fmax> 300 N, a pre-load of 5 N;ISO 3376 pdf download.