ISO 3529-2-2020 pdf download.Vacuum technology一Vocabulary 一 Part 2: Vacuum pumps and related terms.
3.1.16 claw vacuum pump
rotary posftwc diithrcement vacuum pump (1.L3) en which two claw’shapcd rotors. interlocked and synchronized, rotate in opposite directions moving past cash other and the housing wall with a small clearance and without touching
Note I to entry: Claw vacuum pumps are designed with onr or mare compression stages.
3.1.17 kinetic vacuum pump
vacuum pump (iLl) in which a gas or gas molecules can be displaced from the pump inlet to the outlet (322) either mechanically (rotating it at high speed or by providing an Impulse in the direction or flow) or by the use of another fluid (providing also an Impulse in the direction of flow) or using an electrical potential to displace gas ions
Note I to entry: Three categories can be coataslered: mechalucal kinetic pumps (ILIH-1122). fluid entrainment pumps (1123 -3.1.30) cad ion rnvmrfrrpumpc (3.L31)
3.1.111 turbine vacuum pump
rotary kiaetk vacuum pump (112.7) in which the transfer o a large amount of gas is obtained by a rapidly rotating device
Note ito entry: The dynammc sealing is obtained without rubbing The gas lkw either asay be directed paraild to the axis of rotation (azial flaw vacuum turhinr pump) or at right angles to the axis of rotation (radial flow vacuum turbine pump orcentrdugal vacuum pump)
3,1.19 regenerative vacuum pump
rotary kinetic vacuum pump lull) in which the transfer of gas is obtained by a centrifugal rotor stage. utilizing the vortex behaviour of the gas in combination with a side channel parallel to the rotor
Note I to entry: Regenerative vacuum pumps are designed with one or more gas nng compression stages. Regenerative vacuum pumps are available with a. axially located gas channel and/or radially located gas hannel.
3.1.20 molecular drag vacuum pump
kinetic vrxcuum pump (iU2) in which a monientuni is imparted to the gas molecules by contact between them and the surface of a high-speed rotor. iJuseng them to move towards .i dsannel to the outlet (32.3) of the vacuum pump.
Nate Ito entry: The technkal drsigls based on Invention from G.irde, Holweck or Slegbahn.
3.1.21,turbo-molecular vacuum pump
molecular drag vacuum pump (i.i2Q) In which the rotor Is titled with discs peevided with slots or blades rotating between corresponding discs in the stator
Note 1 to entry: The linear velocity of a peripheral point at the rotor is of the same order of magnitude as the velocity of LIsa gas itwiccules. A turbo-molecular vacuum pump operates normally wtien molecular flow conditions obtain
Note 2 to entry: Compound iurbo.moiecular vacuum pump.
3.1.22,compound turbo-molecular vacuum pump
one shalt high vacuum pump (3A.6) with compression-stages based on turbo-molecular vacuum pump design combined with drag ssages based on molecular drag vacuum pump design and/or regenerative pump stages on the fore vacuum side of the vacuum pump.ISO 3529-2 pdf download.