ISO 36-2011 pdf free download.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of adhesion to textile fabrics
The stripping force required to separate two plies of fabric bonded with rubber, or a rubber layer and a fabricply bonded together, is measured under specified conditions using test pieces of standard dimensions in theform of a flat strip.
5 Apparatus
5.1Test machine, power-driven and equipped with a suitable dynamometer; it shall be capable of maintaininga substantially constant rate of traverse of the moving head during the test and shall be linked to an autographicrecorder or a computer with graphic capabilities for data acquisition and processing.An inertialess dynamometer(of the electronic or optical type, for example) should preferably be used.
The machine shall comply with the requirements of lSO 5893,be capable of measuring force with an accuracycorresponding to class 1 as defined in ISO 5893:2002,and have a rate of traverse of the moving grip of50 mmmin ±5 mm/min.
The machine shall be fitted with grips capable of holding the test piece and the ply to be separated withoutslipping during the test.
5.2 Autographic recorder, with a scale sufficiently large to permit easy interpretation of the trace,orcomputer with graphic capabilities and software enabling it to comply with the procedure for data processingdescribed in Iso6133.
6 Calibration
The test apparatus shall be calibrated in accordance with the schedule given in Annex A.
7 Test piece
The test piece shall have a width of 25 mm ± 0,5 mm and shall be of sufficient length to permit ply separationduring measurement over a length of at least 100 mm. The minimum thickness of the constituent components,
or of one of them, shall be such that the weakest component can transmit the force necessary for separationwithout breaking.
The test piece shall be cut in a plane parallel to the warp in the length direction and parallel to the weft in thewidth direction.
lf required, also cut test pieces in a plane parallel to the weft in the length direction and parallel to the warp inthe width direction.
lf there is a danger of bits of fabric being removed from the test piece due to irregularity of fabric alignment,make the test pieces slightly wider, but at least the ply to be stripped shall be cut to the width of 25 mm.
The thickness shall be suitably reduced (see lS0 23529),if necessary, in order to ensure that the line ofseparation of the plies during the test lies as close as possible to the plane of the strips of test piece held inthe grips (see Figure 1).For tests intended to be comparable, the test pieces shall have the same dimensions.Whenever possible, the standard test piece shall be cut from the article and prepared in accordance with therelevant product standard, if one exists.ISO 36 pdf download.