ISO 3864-1-2011 pdf free download.Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs Part 1 : Design principles for safety signs and safety markings.
3.3 fire equipment sign
safety sign that indicates the location or identification of fire equipment
3.4 identifiability
property of a graphical symbol which enables its elements to be perceived as the objects or shapes depicted[ISO 9186-2:2008, 3.1]
3.5 mandatory action sign
safety sign that indicates that a specific course of action is to be taken
3.6 multiple sign
sign that combines two or more safety signs and associated supplementary signs on the same rectangular carrier
3.7 prohibition sign
safety sign that indicates that a specific behaviour is forbidden
3.8 safe condition sign
safety sign that indicates an evacuation route, the location of safety equipment or a safety facility, or a safety action
3.9 safe observation distance distance a person can be from a safety sign while still able to identify the safety sign and have the opportunity to follow the message
NOTE Adapted from ISO 3864-2.
3.10 safety colour
colour with special properties to which a safety meaning is attributed
3.11 safety marking
marking which adopts the use of safety colours and safety contrast colours to convey a safety message or render an object or location conspicuous
3.12 safety sign
sign which gives a general safety message, obtained by a combination of a colour and geometric shape and which, by the addition of a graphical symbol, gives a particular safety message
4 Purpose of safety colours and safety signs
4.1 The purpose of safety colours and safety signs is to draw attention rapidly to objects and situations affecting safety and health and to gain rapid understanding of a specific message.
4.2 Safety signs shall be used only for instructions which are related to the safety and health of people.
5 General meaning of geometric shapes and safety colours
The general meaning assigned to geometric shapes, safety colours and contrast colours is given in Tables 1 and 2.ISO 3864-1 pdf download.