ISO 3865-2020 pdf download.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic一Methods of test for staining in contact with organic material.
6.3.2 Vulcanized test pieces and veneers
All mixing shall be carried out in a thoroughly cleaned mixer, preferably in accordance with ISO 2393. The rubber shall be sheeted out to a thickness of 2,0 mm ± 0,2 mm, and protected on both sides by an inert material, such as starched cambric fabric or polyethylene sheet, until tested. A test piece shall be cut out to the required mould dimensions.
The rubber veneer shall be calendered to a thickness of 0,5 mm ± 0,05 mm and stiffened on at least one side with a protective aluminium sheet.
At the time of coating, one protective layer shall be removed from both the test rubber and the veneer, and the two exposed surfaces pressed firmly together, ensuring that the aluminium sheet remains on the external side of the rubber veneer. Pressure may be applied by a platen press or by rollers.
The composite body, including the aluminium sheet, shall be moulded and vulcanized in a platen press, taking care that the veneer and aluminium sheet are situated at the bottom side of the mould. The conditions of vulcanization shall be included in the test report. The protective surface on the veneer shall be left until used.
6.3.3 Lacquered test pieces
Test pieces shall be immersed in a white, non-staining lacquer at a depth of 25 mm. The test pieces shall be hung on a suitable rack and dried. After drying, they shall be immersed a second time in the lacquer, then dried until the surface is non-tacky.
Instead of lacquer, a paste prepared of the unvulcanized veneer in a suitable solvent (volume ratio 1:6) may be used. The procedure shall be the same as for lacquer.
Aluminium foil dipped in the lacquer/paste may be used as a blank.
The thickness of the lacquer and paste layer shall be agreed between the interested parties. If not otherwise specified, the thickness of the lacquer layer shall be about 0,1 mm, and the thickness of the paste layer shall be about 0,16 mm.
6.4 Blanks and reference samples
6.4.1 Blanks
Blanks shall be prepared and treated in the same manner as the samples to be tested, except that the rubber to be tested shall be replaced by an inert material. A suitable inert material, such as an aluminium sheet about 0,4 mm to 0,6 mm thick, may be used as an alternative to the rubber slab.
6.4.2 Reference samples
Reference samples shall be prepared in the same way and with the same construction as the samples to be tested (6J. to 6.3), but shall be protected from irradiation in an appropriate manner, i.e. by an appropriate covering during the irradiation exposure period. Also, part of the sample can be covered to act as a reference sample.
6.5 Conditioning of samples and test pieces
For all test purposes, the minimum time between vulcanization and testing shall be 16 h. For nonproduct tests, the maximum time between vulcanization and testing shall be 4 weeks.
For product tests, wherever possible, the time between vulcanization and testing shall not be more than 3 months. In other cases, tests shall be made within 2 months of the date of receipt of the product by the customer.ISO 3865 pdf download.