ISO 4497-2020 pdf download.Metallic powders一Determination of particle size by dry sieving.
The test sieve frames and spacers, if used, shall nest seamlessly with one another, and the set shall be completed with a lid on top and a collecting pan below the bottom sieve.
The calibration of siews shall be carried out according to ISO 3310.1,
The aperture size oldie test sieves shall be chosen from the principal size (It 2013) sIeves of ISo 565. It this is not appropriate the principal sizes can b partly or totally replaced from one of th intes’nwdiatr sizes (R 40/3 or R 20). The aperture sizes of the teSt sieves shall be chosen so as to determine adequately the particle sazedistribution of thesample (see Gse 8).
If mechanical sieving machine Is used, we 21.
5.2 Ralance, capable oIweighing at leact 100 g to an accuracy oft 0.05 g shall be used.
5.3 A soft brush shall he used.
6 Preparation of test portion
6.1 General
In general, the powder shall be tested In the asreceived condition. II necessary, the powder may be dried. Iluweser, if the powder is susceptible to oxidation. the drying shall take place in vacuum or an Inert gas.
6.2 Mass of test portion
The test portion shall have a mass approxImately 100 g for powders having an apparent density greater than 1.50 gJcm3. If the apparent density of the powder is 1,50 gJc& or less, the mass o(tho test portion shall be apprcstlmately 50g.
7 Procedure
7.1 General
The series of test sieves selected shall be assembled complete with lid and collecting pan in consecutive order of sue of apertures, with the sieve having the largest aperture on lop. The test portion shall be placed on the top sieve and this shall be dosed by a lid,
The sieving shall be performed either by hand or by means ola mechanical sieving machine.
NOTE I As diifvr,nt types of eving etactiliws are known to giv, different results wheii using the same sieves and the same powdes it is generally pocsdsle to estaNish a correlatioe between diiteresit machines for a particular powder.
A partial set or sieves of diFfrrent frame diameter may 1w selected, if agreed between the supplier and the purchaser.
For other than 200mm size of franw diametes mass of tcst portion should be adapted to the sieve area. The minimum mass of the test portion should be lOg.
P40Th 2 The precision statement In Clause 9 Is based on 200mm sieve frame diameter and 100 g test portions. The precision statement is not valid for sieve frame diamrrrs other than 204) mm or test portion mass other than 100g.ISO 4497 pdf download.