ISO 527-2-2012 pdf free download.Plastics – Determination of tensile properties – Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics.
62 Preparabon of test specimens
Test eamens sh be either d..dly injection. or conression.,notided from the material ii accordance with ISO 293. ISO 294.1. ISO 295 or ISO 10724.1. as apgropriaw, or machined in accordance with ISO 291$ from plates that have been C mpression- or qection-moulded from the compound, or obtained from cast or extruded plates tieet The moatdlng conditions shall be in accordance with the relevant International Standard for the material or, if none exists, agreed between the interested parses.
Strict cor*ol of all ndeions of the speorne, preparation is essential to ensure that all test specimens in a sat are acluy ii the same state
All surfaces of the test specinen shall be free from visdle flans. scratches or other ir,erbcborw, From inoulded specimens, al flash, it present, shall be removed. facing care not to damage the moufoed surface.
Test specvnens from fInished goods shall be tatcen from lit ares. or zones hawig ewilmum ctvature For reinforced plastics, test epecinens should not be machined to redaoe their thickness unless absolutely necessary Test specimens with macoined surfaces will not give resLilts Comperatile 10 specimens ?iaiig lion- machined surfaces
6.3 Gauge marks
See ISO 527.12012, 6.3.
6.4 Checking the test specimens See ISO 527.1 2012,84.
6.5 Anisotropy
ltection mocided and extriated plates, as well as finished goods. exrwbm some deg’ee of anlsotropy as a resul of fIow-in,ced orientation The d.’eclion dependence of the tenato properties can be assessed by machining specimens paralel and normal to the flow d.rection characterizing the mouklng process. Wi the sh.enoe of mformatv on such deectiorie. specimens stud be machined in drections as aeed between the interested parties
6.6 Number of test specimens See ISO 527.1 2012. Clause 7.
7 CondItioning
See ISO 527.12012 Clause 8
8 Procedure
See ISO 527.12012, Clause 9
For measurement of the tensile mock*Js (See ISO 527.1:2012, 3 9), the speed of testing shud bet tnmhnm for specimen types 1A and 1$ (see Figure 1). ThIs corresponds to a strain rate of appirocdirnalely I % mar1. For sisal specimens see Annex A
9 Calculation and expression of results
See ISO 527.12012 Clause 50.ISO 527-2 pdf download.