ISO 6330-2012 pdf free download.Textiles – Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing.
5 Apparatus and materials
5.1 Automatic washing machines
5.1.1 Reference washing machine Type A一Horizontal axis, front-loading type
The specification for reference washing machine Type A is given in Annex A.
5.1.2 Reference washing machine Type B一Vertical axis, top-loading agitator type
The specification for reference washing machine Type B is given in Annex C.
5.1.3 Reference washing machine Type C一Vertical Axis, top-loading pulsator type
The specification for reference washing machine Type C is given in Annex E.
5.2 Tumble dryers
5.2.1 Type A1 tumble dryer – Vented
The specifcation for Type A1 tumble dryer is given in Annex G.
5.2.2 Type A2 tumble dryer – Condenser
The specifcation for Type A2 tumble dryer is given in Annex G.
5.2.3 Type A3 tumble dryer – Large vented
The specification for Type A3 tumble dryer is given in Annex G.
5.3 Electrically (dry) heated flat-bed press
If this method of drying is used, the type of press shall be specifed among the interested parties.
5.4 Line drying
For procedure for line drying, see 10.1.1; for drip line drying, see 10.1.2.
5.5 Drying racks
Use screen drying racks of approximately 16 mesh stainless steel or plastic for flat drying (see 10.1.3) or drip fat drying (see 10.1.4).
5.6 Ballasts
5.6.1 Type 1, 100 % Cotton ballast
The nominal composition of 100 % Cotton ballast is given in Annex H.
5.6.2 Type I, 50 % Cotton/50 % Polyester ballast
The nominal composition of 50 % Cotton/50 % Polyester ballast is given in Annex H.
5.6.3 Type l, 100 % Polyester ballast
The nominal composition of 100 % Polyester ballast is given in Annex H.
6.1 Reference detergents
6.1.1 Reference detergent I
Reference detergent 1 is a non-phosphate powder detergent without enzymes and is available both with and without optical brightener. (Other designations are 1993 AATCC standard reference detergent without optical brightener (WOB) and 1993 AATCC standard reference detergent with optical brightener.J
Reference detergent 1 can only be used in machine Type B.
The nominal composition of reference detergent 1 is given in Annex I.
6.1.2 Reference detergent 2
Reference detergent 2 is a non-phosphate powder detergent with optical brightener and with enzymes. (Another
designation is IEC reference detergent A.)
Reference detergent 2 can be used in both machine Type A and Type B.
The nominal composition of reference detergent 2 is given in Annex J.
For distribution and mixing, see Annex 0.
6.1.3 Reference detergent 3
Reference detergent 3 is a non-phosphate powder detergent without optical brightener and without enzymes.
(Another designation is ECE reference detergent 98.)
Reference detergent 3 can be used in both machine Type A and Type B.
The nominal composition of reference detergent 3 is given in Annex K.ISO 6330 pdf download.